“Trailing Stop Buy” on cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, Bittrex, Poloniex, KuCoin, CEX, HitBTC, Huobi pro … and more

2 min readJul 5, 2018


A Trailing Stop Buy order sets the initial stop price at a fixed percentage above the market price as defined by the Trailing Amount. As the market price trough, the sell stop price dips one-to-one with the market but always at the interval set initially by the trailing percentage amount. If the stock price rise, the stop price remains the same. When the stop price is hit, a market order is submitted. Reverse this for a Trailing Stop Sell order. This strategy may allow an investor to limit the maximum possible loss without limiting possible gain.

Step to place Trailing Stop Buy order on TrailingCrypto:

  • Create a account on TrailingCrypto and login.
  • On settings page enter your API Key and Secret( Click here to know how to create API and Secret and Click here to know how to configure it on TrailingCrypto)
  • Select Trailing Stop Buy order type.
  • Select Base and Quote coin.
  • Select the number of coins needs to be bought.
  • Enter the quote coin price at with you bought. If it is left blank, current market ask price will be used.
  • The offset is fixed percentage value above the current market (ask) price. Using this a stop loss always reaming with an offset of x% above from the trough market. If the market will come down, stop loss value will also come down. If the market goes up the stop loss will not change.

Note: At the beginning, the minimum value is equal to ask price at the time of placing an order.




Written by TrailingCrypto

Cryptocurrency trading tool aimed at unifying all crypto exchanges and providing many advanced order types using bot assistance.

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